Personal Services

Considering An Self Manager Super Fund (SMSF)

An SMSF is a private superannuation fund that gives you, the trustee, complete control over where and when your superannuation monies are invested rather than leaving these decisions to others.

Having the ability to manage your own superannuation fund allows you to control the state of your investment portfolio and the opportunities available to you. This can have considerable impact on your long-term goals with a variety of investment options across shares, property and more.

With an SMSF you can tailor an investment strategy that best suits your retirement needs to ensure you achieve the life you want in retirement – whether you are looking to travel or just want to maintain your existing lifestyle.

One of the great benefits of an SMSF is the option of being able to combine your super with a spouse or up to 3 other members so that you can pursue larger investments whilst still maintaining your own personal assets and contributions within the portfolio. Combining your super and assets can reduce costs while also giving you the opportunity to make investment decisions that may not have been possible with just a single member.

More and more Australian’s are becoming aware of the benefits of an SMSF, with over 1 million having already made the switch from a retail or industry managed superannuation fund to an SMSF. This being said, it is essential to review your circumstances when considering if an SMSF is right for you.

At SuperSense we can help you assess your current situation and provide tailored advice on whether this type of fund is the best option for your retirement and investment goals. We strive to provide you with the guidance to make your transition to an SMSF and the ongoing administration required easy and hassle free.

Managing Your SMSF

While the financial benefits of an SMSF are numerous, there are regulatory guidelines and rules surrounding SMSFs, which need to be adhered to ensure you remain compliant while still getting the most out of your investments.

Our specialised SMSF team is here to provide advice, ongoing support and guide you throughout this process so you can spend more time focusing on your investments and doing what you enjoy most in life instead of worrying about the administration of your SMSF.

Our SMSF Services

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At SuperSense, we have a competent and well-resourced team available to handle all necessary paperwork, roll over any existing funds and ensure your SMSF is up and running as seamlessly as possible so you can relax!

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SMSF Management

SuperSense are industry specialists with a wealth of experience managing SMSFs. Supersense provides reliable, comprehensive management across the entire administration process from handling all necessary paperwork to conducting annual audits, assessing fund health and providing tailored advice.

Why Choose SuperSense

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Simple & Hassle Free Expert Services

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Advice & Guidance From SMSF Specialists

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Control Over Your Investments & Retirement

Contact Us

Contact us today if you are interested in working with an Australian SMSF specialist.

At Supersense we strive to assist our clients during their ongoing superannuation journey and help them to achieve their retirement goals.

Call us today to see how SuperSense can help you!